"Midwayers" aka "The Mystery of 11:11" is a fascinating story inspired by my
father (Papa Dude) who passed away 20 years ago at exactly 1:11AM. He was
a very special man and he was my best friend. He had a profound connection with
the number 11. I am now experiencing a connection to the same number --- and it is
mind-blowing to say the least. My father was born on November 11th and he was the
11th child of 11 children. But this is just where the connection begins...and it is no coincidence.
This phenomenon is much more than just another unusual date on a calendar. The
passionate followers of 11:11 will tell you that this phenomenon doesn't start or end with
11-11-11. This phenomenon happens every day. If you haven't experienced 11:11 already,
I can assure you that many of you will in the very near future. I had no idea that I was even connected to 11:11 until earlier this year even though I had been exposed to it through my
father since I was a kid. Estimates are that over 100 million people worldwide are followers of the 11:11 phenomenon. Ellen DeGeneris may be one of the most well-known people in
America to go public as an 11:11er when she gained attention by starting her music company Eleven-Eleven.
We understand that our film deals with an important topic and we are fortunate to have on our team two of the top people in the world who are recognized as 11:11 experts, Mr. George Barnard and Mr. Chris Maurus. George lives in Australia and is the founder of the 11:11 Progress Group where more than 60,000 people from all over the world follow his daily blogs. Chris lives in Detroit, Michigan, and is the founder of the well-known 11:11 Correcting Time blog in addition to being a major contributor to the 11:11 Progress Group. Both George and Chris are responsible for making sure that we maintain the integrity of 11:11 and the Midwayers who millions of people faithfully believe are spiritual beings halfway between angels and humans.
Our story is a wonderful thriller about a man who drags his family into the middle of the Louisiana swamp where he hopes to solve the mystery of 11:11. He believes that when he solves this mystery he will finally understand the meaning of life. "Midwayers" is not just any thriller. This is a story based on actual facts that will resonate with millions of 11:11 followers. It's a story that will connect with anyone who believes that there is life after death and that it may be possible for "spiritual beings" to actually communicate with us on earth.

- Steven Scaffidi - Writer, Producer, Director